(continued from Allocation Units)

Allocations Module


Adding a New Allocation

To setup an allocation first select Database from the Side Bar menu and then ‘Allocations’.

Screen Shot 122: Allocations Initial Screen

The screen shown in Screen Shot 122: Allocations Initial Screen above can be used to insert new allocations, or amend, or delete, existing allocations.

When this screen loads, the Date From field defaults to the current date and Date To field defaults to the same day next month.

Whatever task is being performed in this screen (adding a new allocation or amending an existing one etc.), in order to proceed, the appropriate supplier must be selected before continuing. The supplier is the organisation who has made the allocation available.

To add a new allocation, select the supplier and click the ‘Insert’ button in the button bar.

Any existing allocations defined for the supplier will display in a menu tree to the left of the main work area screen.

Screen Shot 123: Insert Allocation - Screen 1

Date From (Date)

The date here will have defaulted from the original ‘Date From’ in the Allocation Header. If there had not been a beginning date of the allocation entered in the header, it can be entered here.

Date To (Date)

This date also will have defaulted from the original ‘Date To’ in the Allocation Header. If there had not been an end date of the allocation entered in the header, it can be entered here.

If there are close out periods that are known prior to setting up the allocation, then there are different methods of handling the allocation set up. One method is to set the end date to the date before the close out and when that allocation has been set up, insert another allocation with the beginning date the day after the close out date. Another method is to insert the allocation, ignoring the close out(s) and then modifying or deleting each close out date as required.

The same methods can be used if the allocation quantities vary during the period of the allocation.

Supplier (Dropdown)

The supplier originally entered in the allocation header will default into this field. The supplier can be changed here if necessary.

Allocation Name (15 Char, Forced Upper Case)

Enter the allocation name (defaults to upper case). If there is only one allocation with the supplier then use e.g. the hotel name or call it GENERAL. If however this allocation is for a special event then it should be named as such. There can be unlimited allotment names per supplier and each can be defined for a different range of dates.

The same Allocation name can be used against multiple suppliers – e.g., RUN OF HOUSE or FIT etc.


The Allocation Name cannot be edited/changed once the allocation has been saved.

Allocation Description (60 Char)

Enter a long description of the allocation.

The Allocation Description can be edited/changed after the allocation has been saved.

Allocation Type (Radio Button)

This can be either:

Supplier General – The allocation will apply to either of the service options displayed in the example in Screen Shot 124: Insert Allocation - Option Selection .

Option Specific – The allocation applies only to one or a selection of the options displayed below. Click the ‘Tag’ check box alongside the service option(s) that the allocation will apply to.

Screen Shot 124: Insert Allocation - Option Selection

Click on the Save button in the button bar to save these settings and move to the next allocations setup screen.

Screen Shot 125: Allocations - Insert Allocation Days Dialogue

Date From/To (Date)

These dates can be altered here if necessary.

Apply To (Checkboxes)

Uncheck any days of the week to which this allocation does not apply.

Sub Allocation (Dropdown)

Double-click in this field to display a list of previously defined Allocation Splits (Sub-Allocations) and select the required one from the list.

Unit Type (Dropdown)

Double-click in this field to display a list of previously defined Allocation Units and select one from the list.

Max (Numeric 6.0)

Enter the maximum allocation quantity (e.g. number of rooms).

Release (Numeric, 6.0)

Enter the release period prior to use (in days).

RQ (Checkbox)

Uncheck this box if a particular date cannot be sold on request.

Delete (Checkbox)

This check box is used when an existing allocation is to be deleted. This is covered under Delete Allocations.

Screen Shot 126: Insert Allocation Days - Completed Dialogue

There is an allocation of 7 rooms per night, and these have been split across 4 sub allocations.

As Splits (Sub Allocations) are entered, another blank line is opened below to allow additional Splits to be entered as shown in Screen Shot 126: Insert Allocation Days - Completed Dialogue above.


In the above example, the STANDARD Allocation Split could be used for all agents and the T1, T2 and T3, Allocation Splits for specific agents. Also note that each Split Code can have different quantities and release periods.

When the Insert Days screen has been completed, click the OK button to proceed to the next screen.

To Cancel the allocation setup, click the Cancel button.

Clicking OK will return to the screen as shown in Screen Shot 124: Insert Allocation - Option Selection . In the Side Bar on the left hand side will be a ‘Notes’ menu option and a ‘RUN OF HOUSE’ menu option. Clicking the ‘RUN OF HOUSE’ menu option will display the Unit name (Room) beneath it. Clicking ‘Room’ will display the screen shown in Screen Shot 127: Completed Option Specific Allocation.

Screen Shot 127: Completed Option Specific Allocation

Allocation Splits (Sub Allocations) are able to be viewed by clicking/dragging the scroll bar at the bottom of the screen.

The label above the detail screen indicates whether this is an Option Specific or General Supplier allocation and also shows the day by day maximum available and used quantities.


The ‘Notes’ menu item in the side bar enables notes to be added to the Supplier Notes. Notes can be created and edited here – they cannot be deleted.

(continued in Allocations Module Utilities)